
引用元: Amazon
登場作品 | ファイナルファンタジーVII |
声優 | 櫻井孝宏、堀内賢雄 |
誕生日 | 8月11日 |

引用元: Amazon
登場作品 | ファイナルファンタジーVII |
声優 | 坂本真綾 |
誕生日 | 2月7日 |
Aerith is the best (ex aequo)
The figure of Aerith, too criticized in the past and dismissed, I have always liked. I like her inner strength, her tenderness and her concern for others, without thinking about herself. I also love the mutual feelings that unite her with Cloud from the first moment. Needless to say, it's also beautiful, isn't it?

引用元: Amazon
登場作品 | ファイナルファンタジーVII |
声優 | 三木眞一郎、森川智之 |
The best villain
Sephiroth embodies wickedness in its deepest meanings. I like his wanting to drag everything down while sinking himself. Sometimes I feel I can understand his despair, and his wanting attention at any cost, to the point of tearing everything into a thousand pieces.


Cloud is the best
human sides. For me it is the best of all the Final Fantasy that I have played.
Also I really like its perfect appearance.