She has a smile that can melt anyone.
She exudes positivity and her smile is so genuine and contagious. Her rap parts are surprisingly pleasant and fun to listen to.
Well balanced and unique
Her skillsets are well balanced and she can rap really well. Her parts are always enjoyable and she has such a unique personality. She possesses amazing watchable qualities.
Master of everything and has clean dance lines.
She can sing, dance really well and has such a warm and caring personality. Her facial expressions are incredible and she's unexpectedly funny and cool.
Perhaps the best dancer of all Jpop and Kpop.
On top of being one of the best dancer of all well known asian artists of her generation, she can pull off any concept from cool, chic, warm, funny, etc. She can move like a feather and display power. Her expressions are excellent. Her singing has gotten so much better and lacks weeknesses.

公式動画: Youtube
生年月日 / 星座 / 干支 | 2001年4月4日 / おひつじ座 / 巳年 |
出身地 | 福岡県 |
プロフィール | MAKO(山口真子)は、2001年4月4日生まれ、ガールズグループ「NiziU」の最年長メンバーで、キャッチコピーは「NiziUのリーダー」。Nizi Projectオーディションにて、日本合宿ではダンス・ボーカルともに1位を獲得、個人順位1位という好成績を記録し韓国合宿へ。韓国合宿での個人レベルテストでは2位、チームミッションでは3位、チームバトルでは1位に輝いた。日々の体調管理や筋トレはもちろん、その日あった出来事を毎日日記に記すなど、ひたむきな努力が実を結び、見事最終順位1位でデビューを果たした。 |
True leader and pillar of the group.
She's a pillar and the spine of the group. Best caretaker of her era and hardest worker of them all. Master of dancing and singing techniques. She possesses the softest and warmest voice yet can hit that high notes like it's nobody's business. She has the most wonderful personality to be a leader and induces the best teamwork. Kind and dedicated. She has a long and successful career ahead of her.
Best idol material.
She's got the potential to be the biggest star out of JYP and is skilled in every aspects. Stellar smiles and expressions. She can pull off any styles and can make any style charming and clean. She is the most calm and collected out of the group and has the biggest devotion for her dreams.
Best entertainer and the best teammate.
She can make anyone smile or laugh in matter of seconds and has unexpected dancing and singing abilities. She can hit the high notes and dance really clean. Has the most down to earth personality. Her character makes for the best friend material, one that you wish to have in every friends group. Never dull never boring but doesn't boast nor flaunt.

公式動画: Youtube
Last but not the least the face of the group
I can easily tell that she's motivated by the fact that her dancing and singing has gotten significantly better. Fits perfectly in the group and is very memorable. Funny yet not flamboyant and charming but not fleshy. She can be odd in a very good way and can help the group become even more popular.


Her voice is Godsend
Her voice is wonderful and her high notes are flawless. Her dancing has improved substantially and she cares for people around her. She is super passionate and considerate. Moreover, biggest star potential. A perfect artist.