How nostalgic it is
This lyrics that keeps playing into my head and keep repeating it again and again."時には見上げてみよう(晴れた空を)
今の自分を無駄にするな" it was a part of ikuchan, maiyan,naachan,matsui,and Manatsu, MaiMai, Sakurai and Sayurin.
Turning points
This is a first center for Maiyan. "Girl's Rule" the chorus part.. especially this part of the chorus. "ガールズルール 彼を好きになって 一緒にいつも 泣いたり" if you translate it the meaning should be like this one
Girl's rule
When we fall in love with a guy
We always cry about it
Its truly so sad
The first center in type a and also the last one for nanamin.. how i wish that when the time comes. I hope all the 1ki will having a reunion..
5位のような存在 / 乃木坂46

公式動画: Youtube
My first and second oshimen first ever unit song
This song is about liking someone that you wanted to convey but also a part of you don't want to know the other what you truly feel.. a mutual feelings but its still not as the other feels.. a feelings that you the other don't understand.. this lyrics..
"愛ってあやふや 指さえ触れられない
そこにあっても そこにないような…"


Another great song
The last center for Ikoma and its really a great song.. i keep repeating this song its been a long time since they have a song as first generation member.